Your Ticket to sustainable, scalable success

Still Selling Time for Money?

You Need a Custom, High-Ticket Signature Program That Sells

The Gondola is a bespoke signature program development system that helps busy experts, and experienced consultants and coaches create a new revenue stream in 90 days or less, even if they feel like they are at capacity.

Let's find out what that could mean for you.

I See You…

  • Serving your clients like crazy and feeling exhausted

  • Struggling to stand out in a crowded marketplace with marketing that resonates 

  • Wondering how you’ll hit your income goals without becoming a work-a-holic

  • Knowing there’s a better way but not having time to figure it out

  • Continuously sacrificing time with family and friends to grow your business

I see you because I used to be you. Then, I created my first signature program and everything changed. 

By leveraging my expertise with a signature program, I was able to:

  • Increase my income without increasing the hours I work

  • Serve more people without compromising the transformation they experienced

  • Have more time for my friends, family, and passion projects

  • Take my business on the road and travel the world

That’s what it did for me. What would your business look like if you could impact more people and increase your income without slipping into overwhelm and burnout? 

Seriously, what would it mean to add a whole new revenue stream to your business without having to figure it all out and build it on your own?

Can you picture the ease of earning when you can serve more people at once with minimal time commitments? Imagine having a marketing funnel that attracts only the people ideal for your signature program who show up to your sales call ready to say yes to your high-ticket offer. 

Can you see yourself with more money coming in and more people being impacted by your skills in just 90 days?

Step into a higher elevation of you to create your dream business where you earn more, impact more, and feel like you’re finally living your purpose. 

Take the Gondola

  • Accelerate your growth with 1:1 high-touch, highly transformational, and targeted coaching to ensure your new program is aligned with your values and goals.

  • Turn your expertise into income using our AI-powered program development system.

  • Create a unique high-ticket offer that has your personal genius baked in so you can stand out in the crowded marketplace.

  • Relax and let the Gondola team build your assets for you.

  • Discover the ease and confidence of launching with a step-by-step, custom plan.

  • Stay motivated and on track with group coaching and community support.

Ready to jump on the Gondola? Apply for your pass now

Your Gondola Leader

Hi, I’m Valerie. I’ve been supporting female entrepreneurs to succeed in the online space for over a decade. This is after decades of experience in content creation (video, blogs, magazine articles, radio columns, and podcasts) and consulting on strategy. Before that, I gave up my career in television production to answer the call of entrepreneurship. And, I’ve navigated my way to my dream business – doing work that makes a difference while traveling the world with my partner. 

Creating a signature program was the key to this freedom. A signature program is unique to each entrepreneur - it has to be created to optimize their personal genius, be aligned with their BIG goals, and be the core of their dream business. 

In the past when I’ve helped an entrepreneur do this it would take 6 -12 months but now with the help of my AI-powered program development system, we can build your signature program, and the marketing funnel to fill it, in just 90 days. 

This is a high-speed lift! The Gondola gets you from idea to income in 90 days.

How long have you been waiting to create a high-ticket offer that frees up your time while continuing to allow you to do what you love? To have a business that allows you to work from anywhere and have a flexible schedule? To wake up every day knowing that you get to use your personal genius and expertise to significantly increase your impact on others. To make a good income without the stress of hustle culture. 

What if that dream business is just 90 days away from being your reality and all you have to do is get on the Gondola. 

What are you waiting for?

This IS for you if you're...

  • A consultant or coach tired of the limitations of 1:1

  • An expert or service provider looking to leverage your expertise in a sustainable way

  • Looking to create a program that’s more than a course and gets RESULTS

  • Excited to take action in designing a business aligned with your picture of success

This is NOT for you if you're...

  • Pre-revenue in your business

  • Not willing to be coached

  • Committed to perfection, even at the expense of progress

  • Addicted to your comfort zone (because you’ll need to leave it.)

  • Unable to commit a minimum of 2 hours per week to evolve your business

What's the Gondola Alignment Call All About?

On our call, we will:


Review your goals and ambitions for your business


Look at your current capacity and assess your growth plateau


Determine your best path forward based on what you want, where you are, and what’s in your way. 🔥This is the clarity gold that makes booking the call worth the time commitment.🔥


Discuss the Gondola and determine whether it's right for you right now (so you can move forward with total confidence).

By the end of the call, you will know what you need to go to get to the next peak in your entrepreneurial journey. It may be with the Gondola or it may not, but we won’t know until we get on a call.

Here’s exactly what you get when you take the Gondola:

  • 1:1 High-Ticket Signature Program Development Coaching

    • 30-minute Onboarding Session (future vision + goals)

    • 60-minute Program Development Session

    • 3-hour Curriculum Development Power Session

    • 30-minute Program and Graphic Design Finalization

  • Online Course Assets Done-For-You

    • 10 Slideshows (for Course and Webinars)

  • Marketing Funnel Development

  • Lead Magnet Assets Done-For-You

    • PDFs

    • Copy for Landing Page

    • Social Media Posts for Lead Magnet Promotion

  • Email Campaign Done-For-You

    • 7 Email Nurture Sequence

    • Templates for Reminders and Community Building Emails

  • Sales Process Development

    • Done-For-You Sales Page Copy

    • Done-For-You Video Script

    • Identification of Ideal Sales Process

    • Access to Sales Script Templates

Bonuses: Access to weekly group accountability coaching calls and a private community. This will keep you on track for the 90 days it takes to develop, build, and launch your high-ticket signature program.

Companies I've Worked With:

Kind Words From Lovely Clients.

Real People. Real Results

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the Gondola work for me?

Straight answer - I don't know. This is a bespoke program that is individually crafted. One of the reasons I host the alignment calls is to ensure that you're ready and that I can turn you into another Gondola success story. The Gondola has helped coaches, consultant, speakers, and service providers develop a customized signature program that helped them leverage their expertise to earn more while working less. If that sounds like something you're looking for, let's chat and find out if it can work for you too.

How much access will I get to?

We will work 1:1 together during the development stage (and yes, you are working directly with me) for a total of 6 private coaching hours. I also host the group coaching calls so you will have access to me for those during your 90-day program. You will also have access to the Gondola community forever. So, you'll have a lot of access - but if it's not enough, there are bonuses and top-up options for coaching to get you set up with the level of access you feel you personally need to be successful.

What’s the investment for the program?

Currently, The Gondola program is a one-time investment of $5000 USD. This is well below market value ($12,500) and our intention is to raise the price in the second year of the program -- so don't wait! Please reach out to me if you'd like to be invoiced in CAD or if you want to discuss a payment plan.

What’s your refund policy?

There are no refunds once we embark. The process requires a commitment from me and my team to learn your business and set you up for success. I know life can sometimes get in the way but this is all about freeing up your time so I'm committed to working with you to help you stay accountable.

I've got more questions!

We've got more answers! Drop us an email with your Q's at valerie (at) or connect with me on Facebook

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Earnings and income representations made by Valerie McTavish, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings’ potential. The success of Valerie McTavish, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying Valerie McTavish’s programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors. [email protected]

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